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Pupil Premium

The Government believes that Pupil Premium funding, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current inequalities by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantages reaches the young people who need it most.

Pupil Premium for the academic year has already been allocated to schools. Schools decide how Pupil Premium support is spent as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individuals in their care.

The school and Local Governing Board feel it essential to be strategic in its use of Pupil Premium Funds. A pastoral team is set up in school to consider the needs of all vulnerable children to ensure that appropriate support is being targeted effectively.

Manorfield Infant & Nursery School prioritised the use of the Pupil Premium as follows:

  • Free School Meal (FSM) students who are under-achieving
  • Students from other vulnerable groups who are underachieving
  • FSM and other vulnerable groups who are in danger of underachieving
  • Other underachieving students

We are certain that there will be more children in school who are eligible, but because all children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to free meals, a number of parents/carers do not feel the need to claim. 

Pupil Premium was also used to fund:

  • Interventions: small groups and one-to-one
  • Subsidies: the cost of school visits and experiences in school are subsidised using the Pupil Premium and all children are able to access these experiences.

School visits and in-school experiences

All children in reception and Key Stage 1 benefit from visits and visitors every year, which are part of a carefully planned curriculum. We acknowledge that for parents/carers the cost of this is significant and do our best to minimise the cost for all children, so they can all benefit from the opportunities on offer. All children who are eligible for free school meals receive free educational visits and in-school experiences.

You can view our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement below.